Our firm deals with lumbering since 2000 and this is it's head activity.
The undertaking's amplitude and his present successes are to be thanked to the increasingly more professional exploitation methods and to the maximum satisfaction of the customer claims.
In 2007 the company managed to develop this section onto a level equivalent with the union norms.
With the new technology it is possible to produce in short time and with an efficient method the exploitation of the trees assigned by the forestry, without harming the companion vegetation and topographic features. We can undertake the exploitation beside heavy land features too ,because we have at our disposal the Timberjack 1010 B type Forwarder and with forestry winch tractors.
The company markets the high-quality lumber coming from the timbering unprocessed, in a stump-wood form to firms dealing with furniture production in a big item, or to exporting dealer or transport companies. We utilize the remaining stump in our pallet firm.
We market beech, oak and hornbeam stump, A, B and C in quality. Beside the stump realization we deal with firewood marketing , too. The firewood realization we undertake it in metre or in tons.
We undertake carrying the load on the country's area according to our customers' claim with our own stump supplier loader.